Beautiful, Simple design for Checkers / DraughtsA simple, small and efficient Material Design implementation of the classic English board game Draught
Beautiful, Simple design for Checkers / Draughts
A simple, small and efficient Material Design implementation of the classic English board game Draughts / Checkers.
Players move diagonally to capture opponents pieces by jumping over them on to an unoccupied square. If a piece reaches the other side of the board, it is crowned King and can move in either direction. Any incorrect moves by the player are undone.
Beautifully designed, this version of Draughts / Checkers focuses on smooth animations throughout. Three difficulty levels are provided, with the hardest providing quite a challenge.
- Utilises the Material Design language
- Intelligent AI with 3 difficulty settings
- 8x8 Board design (more sizes to come in future update)
- Customise Player and Computer colour aesthetics
- Save & Undo functionality
- Drag and drop
- Works well on most form factors (Phones & Tablets)
- Completely Free, no ads or in app purchases
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